While recently going through the diary, looking ahead to future events, it occurred to us: “We have a birthday this week!”.  Yes, on August 8th, Event Waiter LimitedA?reached 5 years of age…

It’s easy – when you’re busy with events and planning and the day-to-day running of the company – to forget to mark the big milestones, and this is certainly a significant milestone for a young company like ourselves.

We’ve had five years of hard work, pressure, deadlines, tight schedules, exacting clients, and near-impossible rosters. But we’ve also had five years of growth, partnership, camaraderie, job satisfaction, happy customers and invaluable staff. We’d like to thank everyone who has been involved in our story so far – customers (past and current), employees, suppliers and friends. We couldn’t have done it without you, and we look forward to many more years of involvement.

It’s said that 5-year-old’s are generally independent, creative, energetic and eager for new experiences.

We think that just about sums us up too.